Photos by Katherine Brook // Text by Yana Papaya
Love is an absolute life law that rules our world. One day, my friend, one day you will realise that this is the most simple truth that you need to learn and start to practice daily. Yes. Love rules the world indeed. It does. It rules the world around you and inside you. Love inspires you and people around you to bring the best in themselves and share around with the whole humanity.
When I say Love, I am not talking about a kind of love that is limited to a certain object or human being, animal or life event. I am talking about an unifying kind of Love that is driven by action. Graceful, positive, forceful and contagious action. That love.. when all parts of your life become a matter or manifestation of love…when everything that happens to you have a special meaning.
Our friends, Jimi and Dan, from Live More Awesome (LMA), a NZ-registered charity organisation, are sharing love with people around in a very beautiful and caring way. LMA mission is to make a world a better place through improving mental health and reducing stress. These guys are not afraid to keep fighting against one of the most wide spread but latent enemy of the Western society – depression.
Experiencing highs and lows of life, reflecting on sad and happy, bright and pale journeys surrounded by dark clouds of depression, Jimi and Dan know themselves what’s like to lose interest, to lose yourself in life… Once they were there, but they have found their way back. So now through LMA campaigns and connections, they are willing to help others to take necessary steps so people could feel alive again.
Having a broad network of life coaches, well-being consultants and counsellors, LMA charity enables to find a key to each case and look up for an appropriate solution for this or that individual. However, these guys are not only about putting good old methods and techniques into practice. Probably if this was the only way they were fighting against the depression, probably they could come up with a different name and branding for the organisation. They are all about Live More Awesome and this means generating fun, and exciting ideas, creating events that drive people to engage with each other, real world and thus, experience pure joy.
Papaya Stories team was happy to be a part of the recent event that LMA organised here in New Zealand. We took some awesome photo shots, spread joy, smiles and positive vibes while the crowd was thrilled to have a slide down the World’s Biggest Waterslide (600m) that Jimi and Dan, a bunch of outgoing and devoted volunteers put up together.
Other important people who played a substantial role behind the scenes, generous farmers and qualified engineers, media sponsors and commercial brand ambassadors came together to design, set up and maintain the guaranteed fun effect along the waterslide during the whole eventful weekend.
Besides a fun 600-meters ride downhill the crowd was able to enjoy one of the most beautiful and picturesque NZ scenery’s on the way up… Basically all positive factors – free spirit, heaps of adrenaline in blood, natural beauty and fun people around made the journey up the hill not that challenging as it might seem from the first sight.
Some secrets haven’t been revealed yet. We are still not sure if Jimi and Dan run a special waterslide day beforehand for the MetService team (Kiwi Lords of Weather) in return to get the best weather possible or not… But the fact is the fact. We left Auckland when storm and dark clouds were occupying the city. We came to the Waterslide spot and were surrounded by the sunlight and stunning blue sky. We reached our new Wonderland.
Now let’s see what sort of water queens and kings lived in the Waterslide world.
Supermen and superwomen that mastered the fast-speed developing skills deserved a gold medal for their commitment to get as fastest ride as was possible.
Funky and cheerful penguins that are known for the water fun skills were also noticed at the World’s Biggest Waterslide where they were able to perform at the highest level.
No matter who you were before the slide, you became the happiest person while riding down the valley. And nothing else really mattered.
You can see a pure smile on people’s faces. That smile that comes from the spotless sunshine of their minds that we all experienced back to our childhood…
The excitement and happiness grows within, more rules need to be broken. This is how adults over 18 years old turn into free spirit kids that know no stereotypes, judgements and rules apart from being happy and radiating love around.
One day, my friend, one day you will realise that this is the only way for being and living this life to the fullest. Maybe this is the only way for the humanity to survive. Meanwhile start from yourself. Reflect on your actions and think what incentives and motives stand behind them. Recapture and restart again. Then picture people who surround you and think what drives them in life. Love is the answer. What is the question?
The main question here is HOW to inspire people to start to feel love here and now, HOW to bring simple joy in everyday life. HOW to feel love to yourself, your special ones, other humans, nature and the whole universe. You may answer this life-changing question by following Papaya Stories project as well as by supporting and donating to LMA charity.
Together through a series of fun campaigns and ongoing actions that speak louder than words we’ll prove that a life law “Love rules the world” is the one to keep the world spinning.